
Venice to Toulouse

A very short update from our first day in France...  We spent yesterday exploring the smaller alley streets of Venice, enjoying our last day in Italy.  We saw lots of beautiful glass sculptures, a gondola full of a singing Japanese a capella group, a tourist fall into the canal, and snacked on our favorite Italian eats-- overall I feel like we got the Venice experience.  At night we took a flight to Toulouse, France (in the end a much faster and cheaper alternative) and settled into a cute hotel for the night.  We spent much of today organizing and planning (we head to the farm tomorrow and aren't sure how much we'll be able to do from there) but also spent the morning exploring the city center of Toulouse.  A few pictures from the day...

Goodbye Italy

Hellooooo French bakery
Breakfast-- coffee and the best pain au chocolate since Hanoi

And some great strawberries


Dinner from a little neighborhood market... I could get used to France

Tomorrow, the very small town of Saint-Affrique and a goat farm!

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