

Because of our short amount of time in Cappadocia, we opted for a day long tour through the neighboring villages and sites.  It's an amazing part of Turkey, based around dwellings and structures built in caves.  Erosion has naturally built one of the most amazing landscapes either of us have ever seen, and with it covered in snow it was almost magical.  The tall structures built from rock pillars are called "fairy chimneys", pretty appropriately so, and the insides were as stunning as the outside.  Our tour first brought us to Pigeon Valley where we caught our first glimpse of clusters of fairy chimneys.  We then moved on to one of the many entrances to the underground city, Mazi Village.  We were basically climbing down into the darkness with our only french speaking guide and a couple flashlights, into a structure that went almost 12 floors down.  We climbed up and down throughout the city through the narrow chutes, up ladders and little grooves man made in the rock.  Just a little example of the layout , it was a lot like what I imagine an ant hill might look like on the inside.  We then took a long hike around Sognali Valley, where we looked into many old structures built into above ground caves, including a number of churches.  We ended the day in Urgup, a small town, where massive rocks of all shapes surrounded us.  It was a phenomenal day to be outside--the pictures don't really do this day justice, but here are the best!

Pigeon Valley..

Our tour guide-- he stopped the car in the middle of the road to grab some warm bread on the way!

Mazi village...
The entrance

The kitchen

The guillotine... (uh ok.)

Found you!

One of the many passages we climbed up.. glad it was too dark to look down

The exit

Sognali Valley...

Church ceiling

Camel rock


Good rock climbing among the fairy chimneys

Beautiful end to the day


Istanbul to Cappadocia

Day 2 of Istanbul food quest in pictures...

Islek hamburger.. a kind of amazing Turkish equivalent to a meatball sub

Their home

A walk down the river side searching for a hole in the wall stop

My husband

Found it!

All the appropriate condiments

Kofte with rice and a traditional white bean salad

Lentil soup-- one of the best bowls I've ever had

The outside-- we believe it's call Koftecisi Arnauk and is owned by a friendly Albanian family

Bear dog

Magical river side donuts

 At the end of our day we got on a night bus around 9pm and arrived in Cappadocia (actually in the town of Goreme) this morning.  After a day of lounging around in our guesthouse and adjusting to the weather here (high of 35 today--it's snowing right now!), we just grabbed a bite to eat in town.  The coolest part about this town is that it's basically built in and around a series of hundreds of caves.  Our guesthouse was half built in a cave so some of the rooms, including ours, are refinished caves.

Woke up on the bus to this

The view of the town from our guest house.  Pretty magical.

After dark

Cave room

Dinner included some lentil soup (not as good as the Albanian spot in Istanbul, but still did the trick on a snowy night)

And some kebab in a clay pot

Pretty good, but I think we can find better versions of this dish

Excited to explore more tomorrow-- day long trek through the caves so time for sleep!