
Bikaner to Jaisalmer

Yesterday we were on the road for most of the day after another big breakfast at the guest house in Bikaner.  Pretty uneventful day, we stopped for a quick look around in a market while Nandhu got some lunch and made it to Jaisalmer at about 4:00pm.  At the center of town is a giant fort (the first we've seen which still has people living inside-- apparently about 4,000!) that looks like a huge sandcastle on a hill.  We arrived at a really new beautiful hotel, and were slightly confused because it was clearly out of our budget.  After being ushered into a room and told not to worry about the rate, we went to speak to the owner who told us, because Preeti had called in advance, we could have a room at a seriously discounted price.  We spent the evening calling home with the first wi-fi connection we've had since Delhi and had a nice meal with Nandhu at one of his favorite local spots.  We were warned against eating meat in Jaisalmer (apparently unless you go to one of the large hotels the quality and freshness isn't great) so we're staying vegetarian for now.  More to come on Jaisalmer!
Midday market


The owner said the detail was modeled after the traditional sandstone havelis of Jaisalmer

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