
Donegal to Derry

We've had a lovely, generally relaxing few days in Derry. It's a fairly quiet city, full of loads of history and a few good pubs. We spent most of our time wandering around the town center, a bit of non-traditional music in a local pub, and loading up on some groceries for our days camping on the Isle of Man. Not a whole lot else to report than that about the town. It's been a wonderful time moving around Ireland the past two weeks. Dublin was a bit surreal to return to, but the west coast has been just as charming and magical as I recall it (if not more so, I don't recall any chance encounters with friendly dolphins last time). It's hard to believe we'll be heading to the Isle of Man tomorrow - I've been mildly obsessed with their annual races for a while, and it's been one of the destinations on our trip that I was determined to stick to, all the while not being sure it would work out. The atmosphere is supposed to be pretty carnival like, and although due to the schedule, we may only catch one day of races, I'm sure it will be spectacular. Here's a little light viewing to give you an idea.  And a few pictures in Derry...

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