

Our few wonderful days in Budapest in pictures...

Morning at the old market-- we tried some great meats and cheeses and put together a picnic lunch

Inside the market

Walking around the beautiful Pest side of the river

The House of Terror Museum, probably one of the most artistic and  interesting history museums I've been to

House of Terror museum

Ended the day with cards and good beer

The next day actually started with a trip to the baths, incredibly relaxing large pools of mineral water in varying temperatures (sorry, not pictured!), but ended with a trip to the Opera

We saw the German Opera 'Arabella'

A search for dinner after

We started the next morning at the Easter markets in town.  It's been fun spotting Hungarian Viszlas (the breed of dog) around town

Market food stalls

This guy

Midday meal of paprika sausage, dense potato dumplings and fresh sauerkraut 

We walked over to the Buda side of town to explore for the afternoon

The funicular, a lift that brings you to the top of the Buda hill

Cinnamon pastry horn-- a cinnamon sugar covered crispy & chewy treat

One of the many beautiful buildings on the hill

The view

New friends along the way

The weather couldn't have been better

This guy was playing an assortment of the most interesting instruments

We ended out day by visiting the beautiful St. Stevens Church


Budapest was really lovely, Vienna next (we promise to write more)!

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