
Budapest to Vienna to Prague (part 1)

So after a few days of technical difficulties with the computer we're back and on our last day in Prague.  Here's a quick (or kind of long) recap in pictures of the past wonderful week travelling to Vienna and then Prague with Fred & Francy...

Train from Budapest to Vienna

Beautiful Vienna

The Nascht Market

Our first stop (of course)

Walking around Vienna there was incredible architecture where ever we went

Surrounded by museums

Rathaus, a government building

Parliament building

St. Stephan's Cathedral

Mozart's house, now a museum

A nice local beer to end the day.  Yes, I'll have the goat beer please.

We spent the next day wandering around Schonbrunn Palace

And one of the many awesome Easter markets going on in Europe right now

Gardens of the palace

From here we headed to the Vienna Zoo..

And met some new friends.  Okay, this could easily become the long series of adorable  animals...

So we'll just share this one.  ADORABLE.

The next day we headed to the eastern side of the city, passing more stunning architecture

And stopped by the absolutely amazing Hundertwasserhaus

Next stop was another Easter market in Freyung...

Featuring more painted eggs than any of us had ever seen

And a lot of delicious ham.

Piles of painted, hollowed out eggs

We then took the tram to Grinzing, a small wine making town, for our final night in Vienna

And sampled the house made wine at a couple of different taverns

And had more sausage, potatoes, and cabbage...

Stop #1

Stop #2

An incredibly expansive collection of wine keys outside of Stop #3

Where we found this guy..

And a small Italian restaurant for Stop #4.  The next day, after a morning of  trying to fix the computer, we finally boarded the train to Prague..

And arrived to this.

We walked around a bit the first night, totally in awe of how beautiful this city is.

And woke to this.

We spent the morning having fun poking around an antique knick knack store

And wandering around the Easter market located in the center of Old town

Loved this guy

We ended the night sampling some of great beers and having some delicious  dinner with Veronika who we were lucky enough to meet up with!

We spent the next day exploring the Prague Castle

And poked our heads into the incredible cathedral

After the castle we found a very quirky little toy museum..

Where we had some fun...

But was mostly kind of creepy.

Lunch was at the Strahov Monastery

Roast pork with cabbage and potato dumplings

Butcher's plate

Delicious onion soup

We then took a trip up the Petrin Outlook tower..

To get a great view of the city (although a bit windy!)

A trip to the House of Mirrors was next..

A provided quite a bit of entertainment..

For the whole family.

Petrin Outlook Tower

We took the funicular down the hill back towards the city

A made a pit stop at a chocolate shop we smelled from the street

A nice assortment

Walking back to Old Town we passed a couple attractions like the John Lennon Wall that has been painted over hundreds of times


We walked over through Kampa, a small island on the river

Couldn't fit all the pictures... onto part 2..

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