
Hyderabad to Delhi

We flew into New Delhi last night, and spent a great day with my cousin Ahalya akka and her family-- we saw a couple sights in Delhi, quickly realizing how huge this city is, and spent the rest of the evening enjoying time with family.  We leave early tomorrow for Nepal, so I'll let the photos speak for themselves..

We woke up to a foggy and surprisingly chilly morning in Delhi

Our first stop was Humayun's tomb-- this was the outside entrance

As we walked in the structures became more and more elaborate,

Until we came to the magnificent structure of the actual tomb

Inside the main chamber

Our next stop was a huge bustling market where primarily clothing was being sold..

I found a jacket in one of the many stalls-- a necessity for this weather and probably for the weather up in Nepal!

We caught a glimpse of the Red Fort from the outside but decided not to venture in because of the crowds

India Gate was the next stop but we saw that it was blocked off by the police for safety
 reasons until Republic Day

Closer look over the police barriers

On the drive back to the house

We stopped outside of Qutab Minar, another historical structure in the city at the end of the day to find out it closed at sunrise so we decided to head back home

It's been really wonderful catching up with family-- we feel very lucky to have gotten to spend time with everyone. Tomorrow, Kathmandu...Nepal for 4 days, and then back to India for a tour of Rajasthan before we go.

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