
Antalya to Istanbul

Our last day in Antalya was very relaxing filled with lots of backgammon and tea in a local cafe.  Dinner was a couple new dishes for us, the first being a spicy kofte with a fresh cabbage and carrot salad.  The second was a kokorec sandwich, which is grilled sheep intestines, chopped and seasoned with lots of dried herbs.  Both were delicious and fresh, a great way last night in Antalya.  The next morning we headed back to Istanbul by a quick one hour flight (a lot easier and the same price as the two overnight buses we would have had to take!) and settled back into the same hostel as before.  A 15 minute ferry ride today got us to Kadikoy on the Asian side of Istanbul, where we haven't spent any time yet.  We spent the day exploring and snacking, enjoying what will oddly enough be our last day in Asia for this trip.  Tomorrow will be our last day in Istanbul and then we'll take the night train to Plovdiv, Bulgaria.  It's hard to believe we've already been in Turkey for more than 2 weeks, and we're officially at the half way point of our trip-- see you all in 4 months (!). Pictures and some videos from the past couple days...

We already posted the Termsessos pictures, but here's a video of the view of the teatro ancient ruins that completely blew us away:

I love this place

Boarding the ferry

The Bosphorus

Really beautiful, but whenever around that many birds (many people were  feeding them on the boat) I can't help but think of this

Sunflower seed simit-- these soft pretzel like rounds are all over  Istanbul though traditionally covered in sesame seeds

More fresh mussels stuffed with herb-y rice

Delicious with just a squeeze of lemon
Warm kunefe to end the day-- birds nest dough crisped around soft cheese, all baked and warm with rose water syrup and pistachios, uh, YEAH.  Officially the last item on Istanbul food quest.. we'll see what we come up with tomorrow!

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