
Fossacesia to Rome

A really wonderful few days on the farm in Fossacesia.  The daily schedule started with breakfast around 7:30 or 8 with a discussion of our projects for the day.  Because of our short time there we got to do quite a few different tasks like basic cleaning and organizing the shed or barn, building a saw horse, caring for the horses or chickens, or dealing with the never ending piles of firewood.  The farm is very much in transition from winter to spring so there was a lot to be done.  We worked pretty intensely from breakfast until around 2 everyday, and took a break for a very leisurely and filling lunch, usually a giant plate of pasta (the highlight of the week being some amazing carbonara).  After lunch, things were a little slower paced, finishing up little projects and doing daily chores.  Evenings were usually ours to relax outside with other WWOOFers and the two awesome farm dogs Heidi and AJ, until dinner when we helped put together a big family meal.  Meal times were really nice, we'd all eat together and discuss our days, often enjoying the antics of the two kids Lorena, who was 7, and Moreno, who was 10.  Being at the farm has given us a nice break from constantly moving around and some much appreciated time working outside with our hands.  We would have loved to spend more time at the farm, but hopefully we'll find the same lovely atmostphere and people, as well as the challenges of work that made the day to day interesting, at our next farm.  After our goodbyes, Carlo gave us a ride to Lanciano, the larger neighboring town, where we caught a bus to Rome.  After landing at the Roma Tiburtina station we caught a very quick train to Roma Termini where we found a nearby hostel.  We're waiting to get check into our room at the moment, but we're excited to spend the next two days exploring Rome!  After we'll head to our next farm in Chianti region near Florence, which is primarily a vineyard but they also have olives, animals, and a garden.  After such a positive first experience we're very excited for what's to come!
Lunch time

Elliot's first saw horse

The vineyards surrounding us were beautiful

And the olive groves

One very sweet old horse and one very crazy one

Big guy

Beautiful farm house

The sweetest old farm dog, AJ

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