
Ha Long Bay continued

And we're back! Two days in the rain forest left us without internet so here's a little update... the rest of our day on Cat Ba Island at Ha Long Bay..

Kayaking for the afternoon to explore all the caves of the bay

A short visit to Monkey Island at the end of the day

This monkey stole a guy's beer and then drank the whole thing while we all just stared in shock

Cindhu: On our sail back to the dock, everyone was relaxing and napping, and I suddenly saw something surge out of the water.  A manta ray, probably about 2-3 feet wide had launched itself out of the water to the height of the top deck of the boat where we were sitting.  I had no idea this could happen, and thought I was seeing things. We had to look it up when we got back... it looked a little bit like this.

A beautiful ride back to Cat Ba

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