
Phnom Penh

Fun rain-free (!) day spent in Phnom Penh today-- lots of things to see in this beautiful city, we'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
Morning trip to the market..

Produce stands

The butcher
Carts of little clams, rubbed in course salt or chilis-- lying out in the sun for hours this broke all the rules I've ever learned about shellfish (don't worry family doctors, we didn't eat any!)

The florist

We ventured into the covered center of the market to find the food stalls

And found breakfast! 

On to the National History Museum...


Beautiful open rooms full of statues and sculptures

Fresh fruit snack in the garden from the market

Most amazing and delicious fresh lychee

The Royal Palace had opened for visitors so we headed over..

Ended the day at the Night Market..

Great food stalls surrounding a large picnic area with table settings on each mat

And a variety show..not quite sure what was going on

Great day.  Tomorrow, early bus to Siem Reap!

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