
Saigon to Phnom Penh

Early bus to Phnom Penh, Cambodia today, about 7 hours total.  Went through the border without issue, and now have a temporary visa in Cambodia.  Pretty much a travel day, but our first look at this new country has been exciting and colorful-- a few pictures from the day:

So much bus

Caffeine break-- sure, I'll have a red bull..wait, what?
(tasted a little bit like passion fruit, pretty delicious)

Short tuk tuk ride from the bus stop to the guest house area

One of maybe 7 whole pigs roasting in front of restaurants throughout the
 afternoon (and I'm sure morning) for dinner

Found a great guesthouse (called "the Fancy Guesthouse") and a good dinner of Indian food.  The torrential downpour from midday- night made it difficult to get around to the markets, but more tomorrow!

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