
Chiang Mai to Singapore

The last day in Chiang Mai left us a little sad to leave Thailand.  We've had such a wonderful time here, and the beautiful environment and kind people have made it so easy for us to feel comfortable here.  Needless to say, the food has also been incredible-- it's been fun to pick up techniques and familiarize myself with a new set of ingredients that I would otherwise not be exposed to.  Last dinner in Chiang Mai included some solid choices..
Green papaya salad-- bright, crunchy, and spicy (as requested), we ate it throughout the meal kind of as a palate cleanser

Khao Soi...tried to fit a couple more bowls in before departure the next day

Thai milk tea ice cream-- iced Thai milk tea has become my staple drink order here, it's really delicious and refreshing-- the ice cream was amazing.. this one might have to come back to the states with us

After a walk around town, we went back to the hotel and packed.  After a phone calls home and a great catch up over skype with Leif and Elizabeth in Berlin (!), we headed to bed.  In the morning we decided that our final meal in Chiang Mai needed to be at Tanya's restaurant.  We packed our bags and walked across town to her place.  She greeted us with a big smile, and ran to the kitchen to grab something for us (she knew we'd be back!)

Vacuum sealed curry paste from Tanya, ready for the flight

Tanya and us

Tanya and her husband, Elliot and his mustache

After a delicious breakfast of Khao Soi and chicken noodle soup we reluctantly said our goodbyes and hailed a tuk tuk to the airport.

The flight to Singapore was short, about 3 hours on AirAsia, which was good.. we both had seat kickers behind us, and one of the little Thai children sat perched over the back of Elliot's chair staring at him for much of the trip.  After navigating our way to the hostel on the MRT (train system), we checked in around 11pm, grabbed a quick dinner, a settled in for the night in our weird (but kind of awesome) futuristic pods.

Alien face

Singapore is so much more modern than anything either of us have ever seen-- we were excited to start exploring.

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