
Singapore 1

Over the past day and a half we have made countless jokes about the Jetsons and continue to make that little whirring hovercraft noise around the city.  Elements of the Singapore skyline are right out of the future, and it's been great to walk around just in awe of the amazing architecture.

Our street

Ship on top of a 6.25 billion dollar hotel-- the ship is the pool/spa area

Around every corner we came across amazing little markets, each of a different culture.  The ones we went to in Chinatown (where our hostel is) had some really interesting ingredients..

Giant plastic looking dried mushrooms

(From the top left, clockwise) Dried filets of sting ray, dried giant seahorses, slices of some brown creature that I thought was mushroom but after further investigation realized was not mushroom, dried lizards

After wandering around town we ducked into a small Thai restaurant to grab something to drink and to avoid a sudden down pour.  Apparently there are a lot of sudden rainstorms here, and it's been a particularly rainy week.

Iced Thai milk tea-- already a little homesick for Thailand

After the rain stopped, we continued our walk to Little India.  We explored the markets there, and hid in one of the big hawker centers during another downpour.  Hawker centers are the massive clusters of food stalls in Singapore, with rows representing different countries and different fusions of food.  It was around lunch time, so we decided to grab something to eat..

Hawker center- Little India

Fruit stalls with a million different kinds of fruit


We decided to share a plate of biryani to start so we could sample other things in Little India.  The rain had stopped again so we left the center and found one of the restaurants I had read about-- Andhra Curry.

We had some keema paratha and chicken 65-- delicious, but I can't wait until India.

After exploring a few more markets, we headed back to Chinatown on the MRT as it started to get dark.  We spent the evening walking around Chinatown, which is lit up beautifully at night by hundreds of lanterns lining the streets.

Sign at the MRT station-- Durians are a stinky fruit.

Outside of a really beautiful Hindu temple

Sheets of grilled/dried meat sold in many of the stores-- we sampled some, it's little bit like really fresh thick cut jerky.  Pretty amazing.

Dim sum for dinner-- honestly more misses than hits, 
we're hoping to find a better spot while we're here

After dinner we headed home to our cozy pod from the future-- more to come tomorrow.

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