
Goa to Bangalore to Trivandrum

After our quick layover in Bangalore (with a very surprisingly delicious late dinner at our hotel of lamb, paneer, and naan) we took a very early flight to Thiruvananthapuram, more frequently called Trivandrum for obvious reasons, the capital city of Kerala.  Trivandrum, apparently only about an hour and a half drive from the southernmost tip of India, is a bustling city, much more active than laid back Goa.  We got a room at a budget hotel for two nights right next to the train station to ensure we'd make it to our train on time (!).  We planned to be here for really only one full day, and we'll catch a train to Kochi tomorrow afternoon.  Highlights from our brief time here...

Lunch right after we got in day one-- pretty good vegetarian thali at a restaurant next door (even better at about $1 each)

A stop at the Indian Coffee House, possibly the coolest restaurant structure either of us have ever been in.  It's a large cylindrical building, with booths running along the steep floor winding upwards. It reminded Elliot of a castle tower. It kind of reminded me of a parking garage.  Too bad the food wasn't better..  

A quick look into the local market-- mostly snacks but it was fun to poke around in.

We heard good things about the Trivandrum zoo so we grabbed an auto and headed there for the afternoon

Beautiful pond at the zoo

Friends trying to stay cool in the afternoon heat

So many deer

Small cage in the shade, but all the animal cages opened to large, tree filled enclosures

Over all a fun stay in Trivandrum, but we're excited to keep moving through Kerala on to Kochi tomorrow! 

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